29 Reasons to place your site to our well recognized world-wide platform

  1. Extra exposure for you! Each time anyone on the platform – and most of these people are famous already – does ANYTHING you benefit too because the consumer cannot help but see you. See our landing page. It is clean, simple and there is nowhere to go, but to products and services. The colors coming at you in flashes that actually disturb your brain and attention are not present with us as opposed to a very large percentage of all sites with too much info, which is frustrating. We do not have a “Home,” or “Contact,” etc…and a million other tabs that most websites do. We are a platform and NOT a website, designed to serve your consumers and allow them to find you.
  2. Consumer convenience: they remember our simple messaging and when it is non-stop it stays in the mind and curiosity sets in. THEN AND ONLY THEN, -taken the fact that it is repeated at all times on various exquisite channels -they feel trust and seek you out because they remember now what to Google. The message rings in their ears AND THEN FINDING YOU with a click is easy, (see all of the above as to why,) but STILL you have not educated them on your product’s value. They do not understand why a new coffee, or protein powder, or radiation protective fabric, or anything health related is BETTER THAN WHAT they are used to consume / buy NOW. You need to convince them to either switch over to your product or understand the value in something that is brand NEW. And, brand NEW is what they are looking for.
  3. We are selling for you from day one as opposed to branding only! Most people grew up with the idea that they need to BRAND. That is not true at all since the Internet. Today people care about simplicity and sophistication and NEW products and services. Branding would take you 10 years and millions of dollars. It is unnecessary. You will brand WHILE you sell.
  4. Once your demographics lands onto the platform, we explain under “HOW and WHY” you help them with your services. The first paragraph from a credible journalist will already “wet their appetite enough” to actually understand and eventually buy your products. Most companies do NOT understand that the consumer is busy and capturing their attention in seconds is hard work on top of the fact that nobody can explain a product fully in 30 seconds EVEN IF THEY COULD AFFORD A 30 second commercial.
  5. Once your income grows you can proudly personalize your story to people as an example being on American Airlines or a Syndicated Radio Show with enough time to fully explain your products. However, on American Airlines as an example a 2 minute-show would cost $ 80,000 for just one month. We have resolved this problem too, please read on.
  6. Complete and constant awareness of your products by the consumer at all times. This creates recognition as times goes by and your products/services therefore will prosper. Trust is the key and that ONLY comes from a proven general awareness on the market.
  7. If you ALREADY sell your products in stores, those stores will buy more from you because with this much exposure they will know your products will sell. Most likely the stores are also going to want to be listed on our platform because they know that 90% of all purchases are online and that is only growing. Even Whole Food has now a 30-minute delivery service.
  8. Consumer loyalty and eventually Fame due to the nature of the platform.
  9. The cause that you support will come up right away under “ An Honorable Cause,” which only will add credibility to you even more once people see that you are not just selling but you do care about the World and your consumers.
  10. As many articles / newsletters posted and syndicated to half a billion people within a year as you want, written by you and edited by us for your final approval.
  11. A journalistic article written by Adrienne Papp syndicated to ONLY those that can actually buy your products / services.
  12. An exposure 400 times on CNN within a year and with that peace of mind(and / or focusing on your next invention) knowing that your products and services are out there working for you as opposed to you working for them. That is why we call it Publicity 365. Those of you who like the idea of telling your story directly on camera to high profile and hard to reach executives and investors, you will be on American Airlines with a 2 minute editorial commercial. Samples of this can be viewed under Exquisite Media Outlets and under America’s Most Promising Companies along with the brief description of our production process.
  13. The price you pay is so small that simply switching from monthly SEO will cover it.
  14. Not only a great deal of affordability for your company, while your message is CONSTANT, SIMPLE, MEMORABLE working for you out there even with an 8 second attention spam, but the platform is yours for life. Therefore, your publicity is for life if you chose so. Imagine the amount of money this will save you. We are offering this steep discount only this month. After that there will be a yearly renewal fee. Go free and do what you do best we have your back!  And, we advocate your message for you non-stop with simplicity and sophistication. Because in today’s world the only way to get ahead is by thinking NEW, simple and elegant.
  15. Getting this much publicity is a bargain – no question!.
  16. Not only you get to be on various high-end channels, but also you are on the same platform with celebrities, Academic Research, and gigantic recognized companies. According to statistics, over 300 million people are searching on the Internet right now as you read this memo on the subjects that we address in a logistically connected and a logically clear way to your consumers. Not only we are tapping into that existing demographics for you, but due to all participants, the platform is larger than any other website and Google will achieve for you what you cannot achieve alone. Your site is smaller than a combined platform addressing half a billion readers. None of this is possible with social media. Especially in today’s hacks. Add to this the fact that each participant / sponsor, is bringing in their own established demographics.
  17. Any other income categories other than those we are describing throughout the platform and in this summary (also on our websites) cannot afford healthy, anti-aging, novelty, luxurious, or even organic products. Our social media is also addressed differently than sporadic and painfully slow connections IF you are lucky AND if you are trusted. All by yourself it will not be the case even in a year or two from now on. Google is already making changes. And, pretty drastically.
  18. Our syndication is going through those high-end media outlets, – and more, – as referred to above. By definition of “Youthful and Ageless”; An Honorable Cause, etc…we filter your audience and instead of syndication in the old fashion way to a few magazines that are not even in print anymore we go right to the top! The math of this results in half a billion viewers. As we combine that which inevitably belongs together we are making Youthful and Ageless a household name.
  19. Once you attach An Honorable Cause to our website, or Youthful and Ageless you will pick up the traffic we get and your combined exposure will bring you to the top much faster than you alone can. We have seen companies struggling for years and eventually giving up because they put the cart in front of the horse. They want national distribution before they go on a major Network, which all by itself would guarantee all doors opening as you built on it. 95% of all small companies fail due to the fact that they cannot sell. Plus, if you insist upon selling to stores, the only way to do that is to SHOW to the store that consumers WILL buy your products from the shelves because you are CONSTANTLY featured. Otherwise the question, which you know very well from distribution channels, is: “how do I know I can sell your products? Show me your advertisement!”.

If you are the inventor of products and services you will feel contentment because you share it with the world, people will be well served by you as they are looking for revolutionary solutions, but cannot find you because they do NOT KNOW that you even exists, (hence comes the problem described in point no 4, 5 and 6,  – unless they spell your name correctly and have a serious awareness about you, they do NOT know you even exists or they are not having the confidence toward you that they otherwise with awareness would have. ) therefore your sales is sporadic and stagnant. Every single company I have ever interviewed has an amazing story to tell and consumers remember by association to a story. Even children are taught that way.  Tell your story and make your mark in the world. You create something outside of yourself and bring about a healthier world, happier world.  Plus, if you do not make your idea and invention public by a journalistic article in a recognized media outlet, anyone can come around any time and claim your invention. That is why we also offer “intellectual Property Protection” that stands up in court on top of your invention being in the public domain. Do not deprive your consumers from understanding you. Let’s remember that any human on this Earth only can control one thing and that is about them: what they eat, drink or put on their body. And let’s remember that without publicity a horrible thing happens: NOTHING.