The single “best ad of all time, “quoted from Ad Week “was the 1984 Macintosh Ad.““Do not criticize that which you do not understand” (Bob Dylan) – we might add.Apple CEO, John Sculley stated: “Most of them (the audience) did not know what we were selling, but they loved the ad.” A new era was born on January 24th 1984, we just did not know it. Steve Jobs did. But, history repeats itself. Since then the world has changed and now it is changing again.
Pages of advertisements aren’t looked at anymore. If you buy a publication that happens to be still in print, you will read the stories, but skip the ads even if it is from Chanel, BMW, etc… It does not tell you ANYTHING, it just shows you great photography. If ANYONE wants to capture their audience they tell their stories. People learn and remember by association to a story, which is a fact! The board of directors of Apple hated the Mac ad, but people loved it because it told a story! Apple came out with products that did not work, despite of this fact they made themselves heard around the world and fixed their issues in front of our very eyes. Their story carried them! At Steve Jobs’ second big launch he did not have an OS: there was no functional product, or computer, but there was a visible vision! The story, his vision, carried him to success and still does even more so today.
The fastest growing industry today is Anti-Aging. As baby boomers have started spending billions, JUST Fitness and Spas ALONE grow with 400 Billion dollars yearly. Anti-Aging companies, Nutraceuticals, and Cosmeceuticals started bringing the unimaginable into existence in order to satisfy this extraordinary demand.
How do we tap into this tremendous demographics and captivate the attention of the consumer that can afford to pay for anything in order to stay Youthful and Ageless? How can unrelated companies to the field of anti-aging captivate the attention of the VERY demographics that can afford a modern, hip and expensive lifestyle from cars, to luxury rentals, modern homes and everything in between in accordance with a world economy where the middle class either has disappeared, or is disappearing now, and has been replaced with the Well to Do, or the Less Fortunate?
Which one of these two classes can afford to pay for your products and services?
Here are the facts:
- Small, progressive and novelty companies cannot afford millions of dollars in marketing /advertising and certainly not brand imaging.
- A one-time exposure is not enough; constant presence is impossible, yet repetitive, continous, simple and consistent messaging is a must!
- People do not remember names, or care to remember names, they care to buy what is explained to them and come to understand. They trust you when you are one on one with them. They like to read about how others succeeded. (Or, watch it, which is why the entertainment industry is almost completely focused on TRUE stories in recent years.)
- Brand maintenance is non-existent in the field of Anti-Aging. It is a new industry, the academia behind various products are not known to everyone, there is not just one brand, or a few number of brands to relate to. The newer the product, the more interesting to the buyer. “Latest” is key!
- The world has changed into a fast paced whirlwind lifestyle and anything anti-aging takes an average of 7 years just to break even. These companies need immediate exposure to SELL right away and generate revenue, which they can use for further R&D, or brand themselves should they chose so (see the Internet revolution, as just ONE game-changer regarding branding)
- With the Internet Revolution convergence is inevitable. In an attempt to “clean up the Internet” Google’s ever-changing and unannounced algorithm took out the competition as we knew it. And, unless you become part of a bigger platform where information that belongs together are presented together, you will be pushed to page no.4 at best and people will never see you. They do not look further than the first 2, maximum 3 pages.
- Our twitter statistics show that the most popular topics are those that combine anti-aging with celebrities, films and events, such as the Oscars.
- Cancer cases grow with an average of 24 million new diagnosis a year just in the USA alone. This group goes straight to academic research, anti-aging products/services and everything in between that makes them FEEL GOOD!
- The Science of the Mind, which introduces a new way of thinking, has an estimated interest from more than a billion people worldwide daily.
- Large and branded corporations practice cause marketing almost exclusively now because it creates a more “intimate” relationship with their target audience. It also brings in those extra demographics that they otherwise could not reach. How does a branded and gigantic beauty company that has a floor at Saks Fifth Avenue tap into those demographics that are searching on movies, or on cancer or the science of the mind? By establishing an institute such as the REVLON BREAST CENTER at UCLA Research.
- Consumer attention in the current, and above described environment navigates toward new, novelty items, not branded names anymore: Less chemicals, more academic knowledge, truth, healthier, younger, more progressive, cognitive and anti-aging are keys taking out large branded names. Brands started re-inventing themselves thru cause marketing.
- Celebrity is pop-culture. Celebrities do not want to age. Nobody wants to age.
- Seeking out Anti-Aging Products and Services start at a much younger age now than decades ago. And, it is more natural and “maintenance-like.”
- An expensive car, art pieces and luxury products (including new-age books and spiritual healing practices, knowledge of the human brain in every sense) can only be sold to those who belong to higher-middle class all the way to the rich and famous. Therefore, luxury-type, but non-anti-aging companies must find this well to do demographics and speak to them.
- Academic research, and therefore finding a “cure” for anything, would NOT exist without sponsors of research. Some of these sponsors are branded companies. Without charities, we could not help causes. Charities are represented by celebrities in order to get attention. Charities fundraise in order to pay for publicity. The people they fundraise from are you and me!.
Summary: The conductor plays the orchestra. All musicians within the orchestra play their own instrument. The conductor is standing on a comprehensive platform, conducting the music that is heard by a very large audience. The music is new and interesting. It was never heard before because the combination of the instruments was never orchestrated together like THIS before. Youthful and Ageless™ is the conductor orchestrating you into a new paradigm; the audience is the worldwide population of the well to do; the platform is the Internet publicized to millions on various media venues eventually gaining half a billion in audience.
Because there is not an anti-aging lifestyle without being anti-cancer; anti-age related illnesses; anti-environmentally caused problems, anti-negative patterns of thoughts and false subconscious messaging, which can make you rich or poor, healthy or ill. And, there is no research on these subjects without the Revlons of the world! And, there is no knowledge about them without a story written and celebrities standing up along with you! See partial and full graphic design.
We are “Bringing Information to Billions” and that is “An Honorable Cause.” The World is changing, change with it and you will change the World!
Most Sincerely,
Adrienne Papp
CEO and President