Digital Branding 2020

1) $7,500    for small firms to get onto the Y&A Digital Branding Platform, and have access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting experience for 5 to 6 hours of advisory services, and 1 article with syndication rights.


2) $15,000   for mid size firms to get onto the Y&A Digital Branding Platform, and have access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting experience  for 10 to 12 hours and 2 articles with syndication rights.


3) $25,000  for larger to mid size firms get onto the Y&A Digital Branding Platform, and have access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting experience for 20 hours, 4 articles in a year with syndication rights.


4) $35,000 CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio twenty to thirty minute interview to explain the company’s or service provider’s products and services and WHY it helps and HOW it helps. We also provide access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru  consulting experience for 25 hours. This package also includes 6 articles in a year with syndication rights.


5) $ 45,000  CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio twenty to thirty minute interview to explain the company’s or service provider’s products and services and WHY it helps and HOW it helps.  Oprah Winfrey Network, ( The OWN Network) and access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting experience for 28 hours.  This package also includes 6 articles in a year with syndication rights.


6) $ 55,000 CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio twenty to thirty minute interview to explain the company’s or service provider’s products and services and WHY it helps and HOW it helps.  Oprah Winfrey Network, ( The OWN Network);  Lifetime Real Women;  and access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting experience for 30 hours. This package also includes 9 articles in a year with syndication rights.


7) $ 75,000  CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio twenty to thirty minute interview to explain the company’s or service provider’s products and services and WHY it helps and HOW it helps.  Oprah Winfrey Network, ( The OWN Network);  Lifetime Real Women and  American Airlines First Class and Business Class 2 minute on camera interview, and access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru  consulting experience for 30 hours.This package also includes 10 articles in a year with syndication rights.


8) $ 120,000, CBS Nationally Syndicated Radio twenty to thirty minute interview to explain the company’s or service provider’s products and services and WHY it helps and HOW it helps. Oprah Winfrey Network (The OWN Network) ; Lifetime Real Women; Fox Business News; CNN Airport Network; American Airlines First Class and Business Class 2 minute on camera interview, adding to it coach class ( American Airlines is the biggest airline in the world,) and have access to Adrienne’s celebrity power and writing skills and Nick’s Branding Guru consulting services for 30 hours. This package also includes 12 articles in a year with syndication rights.   Articles written by client can be published and publicized limitlessly on our platform. Celebrity Publicity. Next generational Internet High Performance Digital Media Platform.


All above packages include repeated syndication to our vast over 700,000 + growing social media followers. Our Next generational Internet High Performance Digital Media Platform reaches nearly half a billion pre-qualified demographics of affluence and high profile income category, and is continuously broadcasted through trusted and worldwide exquisite media outlets. The packages that include American Airlines, client will receive the right to use the American Airline’s logo and re-boradcats the on camera interview. All copyrights are turned over to client.

Short description of our the platform

Youthful and Ageless™ is the first in the world next generational Digital Branding Platform ( and Magazine. It gets your products and services in front of half a billion pre-qualified consumers in a simple way so that your SPECIFIC DEMOGRAPHICS can remember your message, go on a trusted site and have a one on one interaction with you in case that is preferred. It is a non-stop exposure that was not possible before on these various trusted media outlets. You will also be called “America’s Most Promising Companies” because we believe you are. We also use an ongoing simple messaging that people remember and here is why.

The syndication of your article will go out to these high-end Tv and other media network outlets. Our ongoing digital branding platform will enable you to create a very pleasant consumer journey and your message will have a continuation because constant presence on the market is key. Stores are closing down, so the old fashioned distribution is no longer profitable. Due to leveraging technology you will never have to spend a penny on publicity again. The technology gets you in front of half a billion laser sharp targeted and prequalified demographics, psychographics and the financial category of the buyer. This app like platform actually allows the buyer/consumer to find your company and through this digital branding platform where the codes and algorithms make you sell in your sleep will perk up your company and match you with your buyers.

Among the syndication will also be a syndication to the Youthful and Ageless Magazine, a combined demographics of which can be seen here.Remember: the average attention spam is 8 seconds and you need to use buzz words people care about WITHIN 8 seconds to draw their attention. Once it is repetitive ( the same message over and over again from various outlets) they will buy AFTER THEY GAIN AN UNDERSTANDING of what you have to offer in this new industry of the Youthful and AntiAging Movement.  See one of our simple message.  All above packages include repeated syndication to our vast over 700,000 + growing social media followers.
The syndication will be like PR on steroid due to Google recognizing my name, as you can see here: ( pls scroll below the article and hit “Load More”  Also pls note that my mission is and I am interested in ONLY the social impact. Turning human behavior for the Good for all.

Your total tax expense is listed above depending on the package you chose.

Let Us Know About You In Health and Wealth, Yours Truly!

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